[Pw_forum] post processing with occupations defined from input

beaudet at illinois.edu beaudet at illinois.edu
Sat Oct 25 02:25:29 CEST 2008

pwscf users,

I'm usinge QE 4.0. I've done scf (pw.x) calculations at on a molecule (25 bohr cube, gamma point only) where I have defined the occupations, i.e. occupations = 'from_input'. I would like to visualize the molecular orbitals. My input file for pp.x is as follows:

   prefix        = 'filename',
   outdir        = '.',
   plot_num      = 7,
   kband         = 1,
   iflag         = 3,
   output_format = 3,

However I get the following error:

     Program POST-PROC v.4.0    starts ...
     Today is 24Oct2008 at 18:52:21 

     from postproc : error #         1
     Post-processing with constrained magnetization is not available yet

     stopping ...

Is there a workaround for this?


Todd Beaudet

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