[Pw_forum] time for calculation of el-ph interactions of graphene supercell

Lorenzo Paulatto paulatto at sissa.it
Mon Sep 8 14:41:56 CEST 2008

L.F.Huang ha scritto:
>    Prof. Kohlmeyer, you have mentioned that not all components in
> Q-E support k-points parallelization fully. I wonder are there
> still any other components like that besides postprocessing components?
> Are elphon.f90 and elph.f90?
> Thanks!
Dear Huang,
I don't know if el-ph coupling supports k-points parallelizations; but 
if you do your scf calculation using the wf_collect=.true. option you 
can (usually) post-process the data with a different parallel 


Lorenzo Paulatto
phone: +39 040 3787 511
skype: paulatz
www:   http://people.sissa.it/~paulatto/

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