[Pw_forum] A question about force constants calculation of Graphene nano ribbon

Zhen Huang huang87 at purdue.edu
Fri Dec 18 21:09:37 CET 2009

Dear Espresso users-

I am currently using the software calculating interatomic force constants. I
started with a armchair edge graphene nanoribbon of  3^0.5*bondlength width
which means two primitive unit cells of graphene are aligned along the axial
direction of ribbon and separated by (3^0.5)*bondlength. However, I found
the software failed to give some of the force constant. Attached is the
structure I am trying to study and below is the script I used for force
constants calcualtion.

SCF calcualtion
    tstress = .true.
    tprnfor = .true.
    pseudo_dir = '/scratch/scratch96/h/huang87/espresso-4.1.1/pseudo/',

    ibrav=  0, celldm(1) =8.04, nat=  8, ntyp= 1, nbnd= 20,
    ecutwfc =16.0, occupations='smearing', smearing='marzari-vanderbilt',

    conv_thr =  1.0d-8
    mixing_beta = 0.7
 C  12.0107  C.pz-rrkjus.UPF


7.50746269 0.00000000 0.00000000
0.00000000 2.00000000 0.00000000
0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000


 C 0.462  0.5  0.000
 C 0.538  0.5  0.000
 C 0.462  0.5  0.333
 C 0.538  0.5  0.333
 C 0.500  0.5  0.500
 C 0.577  0.5  0.500
 C 0.500  0.5  0.833
 C 0.577  0.5  0.833

K_POINTS (automatic)
 1 1 32 0 0 0

Phonon calculation

phonons of Ti
  nq1=1, nq2=1, nq3=16


force constants from GNR.dyn1
  1  1
252.12788999  0.00000000   -0.00114015  0.00000000  -14.77300805  0.00000000
 -0.00114015  0.00000000  ************  0.00000000   -0.06520954  0.00000000
-14.77300805  0.00000000   -0.06520954  0.00000000  -93.03374039  0.00000000
  1  2
************  0.00000000    0.09747458  0.00000000   -1.20698824  0.00000000
 -0.01665358  0.00000000  113.56482271  0.00000000   -0.00847488  0.00000000
  5.45990614  0.00000000   -0.00244794  0.00000000  113.74430800  0.00000000
  1  3
  0.53138677  0.00000000    0.01284739  0.00000000   -0.00496088  0.00000000
  0.00078527  0.00000000    1.10083154  0.00000000   -0.00960997  0.00000000
 -0.01328205  0.00000000   -0.13249470  0.00000000   -0.93853159  0.00000000
  1  4
 -0.36705054  0.00000000    0.00166782  0.00000000    0.03803961  0.00000000
 -0.01073043  0.00000000   -0.02005837  0.00000000    0.03032361  0.00000000
 -0.33345226  0.00000000    0.12638729  0.00000000   -1.53647444  0.00000000
  1  5
 -0.36239819  0.00000000   -0.02331924  0.00000000   -0.58155909  0.00000000
 -0.03210181  0.00000000   -0.86035688  0.00000000   -0.08297313  0.00000000
  1.52018776  0.00000000    0.05112061  0.00000000    0.32584098  0.00000000

Best Regards
Zhen (Alex) Huang
Ph.D. Student
Nanoscale Transport Research Group
Laboratory for Computational Methods in Emerging Technologies
Cooling Technologies Research Center
School of Mechanical Engineering
Purdue University
Tel: 765 722 1113
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