[Pw_forum] Coordinate transorms: Crystal to Cartesian and back

Huiqun Zhou hqzhou at nju.edu.cn
Tue May 26 06:58:03 CEST 2009


The rule for transpose operation applies to not only the product of matrices, but also the 
product of a matrix and a vector.  

I believe Gabriele is right.

Huiqun Zhou
@Earth Sciences, Nanjing University, China

  2Gabriele: I beleive there is a mistake in your first step. When you start with v_cart = A*v_cryst, you try to use the property (C*D)' = D' * C', which is true for the product of two matrices. In our case we have a product of matrix A and vector v_cryst. So you will get v_cart' = v_cryst' * A
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