[Pw_forum] Problem on compiling pwscf

Lorenzo Paulatto paulatto at sissa.it
Wed Oct 21 14:33:23 CEST 2009

In data 21 ottobre 2009 alle ore 13:45:30, JAY <jameslipd at gmail.com> ha  
> Thank you for the reply. I tried to understand the makefile of pwscf, but
> due to the lack of my knowledge, I am not able to find what should do. I
> typed ./configure in the source directory, it reports that the Fortran 77
> compiler cannot create executables. I will check what's wrong with the
> Fortran compiler.

We are not able to understand what you should do either: your are sending  
contradicting emails. Let's try to recap what you've tried so far:

1. you run ./configure and it said it could not find a working f77  
compiler, which means you could not create a make.sys whatsoever

2. you have a make.sys prepared for gfortran (GNU fortran compiler) in  
which you have simply replaced gfortran with mpif90, and added the  
location of mpich to MPI_LIBS.
This make.sys will never work, as several additional switches are required  
to compile the parallel code.

3. where was the original make.sys coming from?

4. are you sure that mpif90 is actually belonging to the installation of  
mpich that is situated in /opt/mpich- System administrators love  
to install many different versions of the same or equivalent libraries,  
often only one of them is actually working.

5. maybe the system you are using is module-based, you should really read  
the system documentation. Or, at the *very* least, type the command  
"module avail" and report the result...


P.S. please provide your full name+surname and affiliation, this is an  
informal mailing list, but we like to know who we're talking to.

Lorenzo Paulatto
phone: +39 040 3787 511
skype: paulatz
www:   http://people.sissa.it/~paulatto/

     *** save italian brains ***

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