[Pw_forum] pw.x running but nothing happens

wangqj1 wangqj1 at 126.com
Sun Sep 6 02:33:25 CEST 2009

Dear pwscf users
     When I run vc-relax on the computing cluster use one node which has 8 CPUs.
The output file is as following:
Program PWSCF     v.4.0.1  starts ...
     Today is  6Sep2009 at  7:49:30 
     Parallel version (MPI)
     Number of processors in use:       8
     R & G space division:  proc/pool =    8
     For Norm-Conserving or Ultrasoft (Vanderbilt) Pseudopotentials or PAW
     Initial potential from superposition of free atoms
     starting charge  435.99565, renormalised to  436.00000
     Starting wfc are  254 atomic +    8 random wfc
After one day ,it still like this and no iteration has completed ,there is also no error was turn up .There is no error in the input file because I have test it on anthoer computer which has 4 CPUs and it runs well .
I can't find the reason about this ,any help will be appreciated .
Best Regards
XiangTan University
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