[Pw_forum] Computer Server Configurations

Gabriele Sclauzero sclauzer at sissa.it
Tue Apr 13 14:52:31 CEST 2010

Izaak Williamson wrote:
> I am trying to buy a computer server and have to decide between the 
> following two configurations:
> configuration   L2 cache            Main Memory
> A                      6MBx2               64GB
> B                      12MBx2              48GB
> Both cost the same amount.
> Question: which one will be the best to buy?

If everything else is the same, I would buy the second.
Cache memory is integrated in the chip or motherboard and are more difficult/expensive to 
upgrade, while the main memory should be easier (and the cost of a memory bank is going to 
decrease with time, for sure).
Then, it depends on your applications, since you may actually need that much RAM or not.


> Izaak Williamson

Plz., append affiliation. Thanks.

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| Gabriele Sclauzero, PhD Student                  |
| c/o:   SISSA & CNR-INFM Democritos,              |
|        via Beirut 2-4, 34014 Trieste (Italy)     |
| email: sclauzer at sissa.it                         |
| phone: +39 040 3787 511                          |
| skype: gurlonotturno                             |
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