[Pw_forum] LDA+U calculations to get U and J

Dmitry Korotin dmitry at korotin.name
Mon Feb 15 10:10:16 CET 2010

Dear Gianluca,

> i would like to calculate the U and J for a given material Fe based.
> I can do LDA+U calculations without problems is such system using PW.

If you are going to use U and J within original QE code you should
calculate U and J for atomic states as Matteo Cococcioni suggests.

> In the current distribution of PW in the directory PP there is a file
> wannier_ham.f90.
> I believe it is referring to the paper:
> http://xxx.lanl.gov/pdf/0801.3500
> The subroutines are reading wfs and eigenvalues of a given self-consistent
> calculation and they calculate the Hamiltonian in Wannier basis set.
> This gives the possibility to calculate on-site energy of given d states.
> If now we change the occupancy at a given site by the flag Hubbard_alpha()
> and we recalculate the Hamiltonian in Wannier basis set for such
> self-consistent calculation, the variation of eigenvalues respect to the
> occupations should give the U and J parameters.
> Is this correct?
> Is this the procedure used in the mentioned paper?

In the mentioned paper was used very similar but another procedure.
With use of the flag Hubbard_alpha() you are able to change occupancy
of a pure atomic (pseudoatomic) orbital. If Wannier function differs
noticeably from pure atomic state standart procedure is not suitable.

Best regards,
Dmitry Korotin

Ph. D. Student,
Institute of Metal Physics
S. Kovalevskaya, 18
620041 Ekaterinburg GSP-170

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