[Pw_forum] CVS vs. SVN

Norbert Nemec Norbert.Nemec.list at gmx.de
Wed Jan 27 21:40:08 CET 2010

Hi there,

sorry about the unsigned CVS commits. I haven't used CVS in years and 
forgot that you had to manually sign each commit.

Which brings me directly to a proposal I wanted to make: would it be 
possible to move from CVS to Subversion (SVN) with the quantum-espresso 

CVS is ancient technology and it has a number of serious shortcomings. 
SVN is designed as a replacement based on the same philosophy. Anyone 
who knows CVS should be familiar with SVN in very short time. I don't 
even want to start listing the advantages of SVN. Just look it up on the 
web if you are interested.

QE-forge does support SVN, so it would just be a matter of a one-time 
conversion of the repository and a switch of tool by all developers. I 
am absolutely certain that the developers will value the advantages in 
very short time.


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