[Pw_forum] Is there PBE UPF for K element ?

Guido Fratesi fratesi at mater.unimib.it
Thu May 13 18:20:19 CEST 2010

Dear Li Bin,

There is an extensive discussion on this subject in the forum: see
and following messages.

If you like the PZ pseudo for K which is available on the Q-E website, you 
could adapt it to PBE, as a starting point. See: 

That pseudo was generated by the Vanderbilt code "uspp". You can find the 
input for its generation in in

In the file k_ae_s1.adat change the variable exfact 0 -> 5 (PBE).
You might have to change ifqopt 2 -> 3 (different augfun pseudiz; 2 not 
allowed for GGA, if I remember correctly) in the file k_ps.adat.

Finally, convert the resulting pseudopotential file to UPF format with 
uspp2upf.x (in espresso/upftools).

I was doing this sometimes ago, and I was satisfied by further enlarging 
the parmeter of rinner to 0.95 (in the file k_ps.adat), which enabled a 
better convergence with respect to ecutrho.

As always, tests are recommended...

Hope this helps,

On Thu, 13 May 2010, 李斌 wrote:

> Dear all,
> I need a UPF using PBE Exchange-Correlation for K element, because other elements in my material don't have PZ Exchange-Correlation UPF, and using inconsistent DFT is forbidden. Unfortunately, I can't find  any K.pbe...UPF file in pseudo folder or QE website. So who can provide it to me? Or give me some suggestion? Thank a lot in advance!
> **************************
> Li Bin
> Department of Physics, Southeast University, PRC.
> ***********************************************
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Guido Fratesi

Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali
Universita` degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

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