No subject

Tue May 11 17:31:48 CEST 2010

Doing this, one gets (from calculated):

C_v(300K)=2.7491*8.314=22.856 J/mol/K, C_v(500K)=24.164 J/mol/K

By the way, you have mistaken. 3N in F_QHA.f90 refers to the total number of phonon modes and has no commons with "mol" unit. 



P.S. In Kittel's textbook provided C_p is about 4.7 cal/mol/K (most likely per atom) Introduction to solid state physics (1996); Fig.5.8


Prof. Eyvaz Isaev, 

Department of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (IFM), Linkoping University, Sweden 

Theoretical Physics Department, Moscow State Institute of Steel & Alloys, Russia, 

isaev at, eyvaz_isaev at

--- On Mon, 5/24/10, Yamit  wrote:

From: Yamit 

Subject: Re: [Pw_forum] About F_QHA.x

To: pw_forum at

Date: Monday, May 24, 2010, 6:28 PM

Dear Prof Nicola Marzari

Thank you for your reply! The phonon values from this work are in good agreement (with error of ~1-2 %) with the values reported in Giannozzi, PRB 43-7231-1991.


Table :(Frequency in cm^{-1},)

- & Current work & PRB 43-7231-1991 

Gamma_{TO/LO} & 525.350461 & 517 

L_{TA} & 109 & 111 

L_{LA} & 379 & 378 


As the output of "F_QHA.x", I have obtained the following results, (in QHA.out file)


# T in K, F_vib in Ry/cell, C_v in R (the universal gas constant by 3N modes), S in k_B


# T E_internal F_vibration Specific heat (C_v) Entropy




295.00 0.0139740852 0.0055747646 4.6621714979 4.4956255367

300.00 0.0141222695 0.0054311560 4.6966380876 4.5742737931

305.00 0.0142715257 0.0052850687 4.7298757363 4.6521815403

310.00 0.0144218157 0.0051365259 4.7619351485 4.7293532915





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