[Pw_forum] wavefunction and symmetries

Michele Pisarra michelepisarra at yahoo.it
Thu Dec 1 18:07:37 CET 2011

Hi everyone.
I calculated the eigenvalues and wavefunctions for different k point inside the first Brillouin Zone. My system is a Graphene Monolayer. Because of the complexity of the calculation I have to do with the eigenfunctions, I need to exploit the symmetry of the Brillouin Zone. 
I calculated the band structure in k points connected one to another by symmetry operations, for instance the 6 K points of the 2D graphene lattice.
In fact I find out that the corresponding eigenvalues for each K point differ very slightly. I obtained also the eigenvectors using the pw_export utility of the package, but I wasn't able to find the connection between the eigenvectors. I noticed that the number of planewaves used for the k points linked by the symmetry connection is the same, but the palnewaves used are different, of corse. I know that the code exploit the symmetries so my question is can anyone tell me what is the connection between the eigenfunction corresponding to k points connected by symmetry operations? If there is any, of corse.
Thank you.
 Michele Pisarra, PhD Student,
Dipartimento di Fisica, Università della Calabria
Via P. Bucci, Cubo 31 C VI piano, 87036, Rende (CS), Italy
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