[Pw_forum] about pw2casino

mohaddeseh abbasnejad m.abbasnejad at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 12:02:07 CET 2011

Dear developers,

I have a question regarding the pw2casino code.
I have noticed that when the code tries to extract the coefficients of wave
function for a desired k-point,
the value of the mentioned point differs in the pwfn.data; e.g (1.0   0.0
0.0) ------> ( 0.69   0.0   0.0)
I wonder what is the cause?

M. Abbasnejad


Mohaddeseh Abbasnejad,
Room No. 323, Department of Physics,
University of Tehran, North Karegar Ave.,
Tehran, P.O. Box: 14395-547- IRAN
Tel. No.: +98 21 6111 8634  & Fax No.: +98 21 8800 4781
Cellphone: +98 917 731 7514
E-Mail:     m.abbasnejad at gmail.com
Website:  http://physics.ut.ac.ir

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