[Pw_forum] Slow calculation of (5, 5) CNT transmission and complex bands.

chengyu yang chengyu.young at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 17:42:58 CEST 2011

Dear Dr. Marzari and all,
         Thanks very much. I will try wannier . Here are some other
          1.If I want to do research on the properties of carbon
nanotube/metal system, I saw them using NEGF , but I didn't see NEGF package
in Quantum Espresso, does this mean I should try other codes like SIESTA?
          2.If I want to research the conductivity properties of carbon
nanotube/metal system under magnetic field, which code should I use?Can
Quantum Espresso handle this? I learned a little about the quantum
transport, but I still didn't find the right code to deal with such a
complicated proplem.
          Sorry I am a newie in this field, and I don't have quite a strong
physics background.
          Thank you again.

Chengyu Yang
Materials Science and Engineering,University of Central Florida
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