[Pw_forum] Strange message when running the svn version of pwgui for the first time.

GAO Zhe flux_ray12 at 163.com
Wed Jun 8 17:14:55 CEST 2011

Dear Hongsheng:
In my opinion, you have two choices to solve this problem easily in such a case.
First, try to use binary PWgui, if you are using x86_64 Linux OS.
Second, please install ActiveTcl 8.4 ( it will install in /opt directory ), then open the bash script file pwgui by any text editor and change the commands:
$PWGUI/bin/itkwish $PWGUI/pwgui.tcl  (Line 74)
tclsh $PWGUI/pwgui.tcl (Line 79)
/opt/xxxxx/bin/wish $PWGUI/pwgui.tcl
/opt/xxxxx/bin/tclsh $PWGUI/pwgui.tcl
where xxxxx means the directory name of installed ActiveTcl.

CMC Lab, MSE, SNU, Seoul, S.Korea

At 2011-06-09 02:00:59,"Hongsheng Zhao" <zhaohscas at yahoo.com.cn> wrote:

>Hi all,
>I use the following following command to obtain the svn version of espresso:
>werner at debian:~$ svn checkout 
>svn://scm.qe-forge.org/scmrepos/svn/q-e/trunk espresso
>then I cd to the directory of pwgui:
>werner at debian:~$ cd ~/espresso/espresso/GUI/PWgui
>and now, typing the command ./pwgui to run it and meet the following 
>werner at debian:~/espresso/espresso/GUI/PWgui$ ./pwgui
>  ==================================================
>   This is PWgui version: 4.3
>  --------------------------------------------------
>  PWgui: using the system default "tclsh" interpreter
>  PWGUI       : /home/werner/espresso/espresso/GUI/PWgui
>    It seems you are using CVS version of PWgui/Quantum-Espresso.
>    For the CVS version you need to do the following:
>       * cd into GUI/PWgui directory, and
>       * execute: make cvsinit
>This is a svn version, why it give me the above informations on 'CVS 
>Hongsheng Zhao<zhaohscas at yahoo.com.cn>
>School of Physics and Electrical Information Science,
>Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China
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