[Pw_forum] EE namelist

martins at if.uff.br martins at if.uff.br
Tue May 17 14:04:58 CEST 2011

Dear users,

I'm interested in running the PW program for simulating an isolated  
system. I know that I have to set the assume_isolated variable to  
'dcc', for example. In this case, I have to supply an extra namelist  
(&EE), but in the user manual and in the wiki of the espresso code has  
not anything about this. Is there any reference for this namelist? An  

I appreciate any help. Regards,


Adriano de Souza Martins
Professor Adjunto III
Departamento de Física - ICEx
Polo Universitário de Volta Redonda
Universidade Federal Fluminense - Brazil

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