[Pw_forum] Problem with DFT + U calculations

Lai Jiang jianglai at sas.upenn.edu
Mon Nov 14 05:31:49 CET 2011

Greetings all,

I'm having some problem getting convergence in my DFT +U calculations. My
system is anti-ferromagnetic double perovskite Sr2FeWO6. It is
experimentally an insulator but there are reports that state one needs
Hubbard U on Fe 3d orbital to account for the on site repulsion. However
after adding an U value it doesn't converge after 500 iterations and
sometimes the job got killed by the batch system (not walltime, something
like buffer overflow), typical pbs output looks like this (varies
on different platform):

Rank 16 [Wed Nov  9 23:21:11 2011] [c0-0c0s4n1] Fatal error in PMPI_Bcast:
Message truncated, error stack:
PMPI_Bcast(1308)......................: MPI_Bcast(buf=0x3e0def0,
count=26208, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, root=1, comm=0xc4000000) failed
MPID_nem_gni_lmt_start_recv(920)......: Message from rank 0 and tag 2
truncated; 213408 bytes received but buffer size is 209664
[0] ERROR - nem_gni_error_handler(): a transaction error was detected,error
category 0x4 error code 0xb2e
Rank 0 [Wed Nov  9 23:21:11 2011] [c0-0c0s4n0] GNI transaction error
[NID 00009] 2011-11-09 23:21:11 Apid 1944384: initiated application

And the pw.x output ends like this:

atom   24   Tr[ns(na)]=   6.1782057
atom   24   spin  1
eigenvalues:  0.9740685 0.9841342 0.9842280 0.9899863 0.9914280
 1   0.0332876  0.0801355 -0.2854709  0.9362259 -0.1856276
 2   0.0172615  0.0589306  0.8879786  0.1822775 -0.4177297
 3   0.4670136  0.8765271 -0.0107306 -0.0778135  0.0861883
 4  -0.0557289 -0.0272157  0.3597350  0.2894423  0.8848545
 5   0.8816953 -0.4701756  0.0218145  0.0205958  0.0254629
 0.990 -0.003  0.000  0.000  0.000
-0.003  0.986  0.000 -0.001  0.000
 0.000  0.000  0.984  0.003  0.001
 0.000 -0.001  0.003  0.976  0.003
 0.000  0.000  0.001  0.003  0.988
atom   24   spin  2
eigenvalues:  0.0394193 0.0400804 0.1166033 0.1376013 0.9206564
 1  -0.0457703 -0.2123040 -0.9448844 -0.2058039  0.1329300
 2   0.1857246  0.9542619 -0.1868327 -0.1235578  0.0686851
 3  -0.0675780 -0.0156072  0.1108752  0.1546050  0.9792822
 4  -0.9788987  0.1940608 -0.0050595 -0.0004723 -0.0638113
 5  -0.0245350 -0.0800506  0.2448840 -0.9583712  0.1206087
 0.134 -0.017 -0.005  0.020 -0.002
-0.017  0.049 -0.018  0.067 -0.011
-0.005 -0.018  0.093 -0.205  0.034
 0.020  0.067 -0.205  0.851 -0.090
-0.002 -0.011  0.034 -0.090  0.127
nsum =  49.3436516
 exit write_ns

     total cpu time spent up to now is     4234.0 secs

     total energy              =   -5515.60273544 Ry
     Harris-Foulkes estimate   =   -5515.60272792 Ry
     estimated scf accuracy    <       0.00001279 Ry

     total magnetization       =     0.00 Bohr mag/cell
     absolute magnetization    =    32.50 Bohr mag/cell

     iteration #102     ecut=    50.00 Ry     beta=0.20
     Davidson diagonalization with overlap
Application 1944384 exit codes: 1
Application 1944384 exit signals: Killed
Application 1944384 resources: utime ~4162s, stime ~88s

My input file is:

    calculation        =  'scf'
    title              =  'Sr2FeWO6'
    verbosity          =  'high'
    restart_mode       =  'from_scratch'
    pseudo_dir         =  '/workdir/jianglai/psp/gga'
    etot_conv_thr      =  1.D-6
    forc_conv_thr      =  2.D-4
    disk_io            =  'low'
    tstress            =  .true.
    tprnfor            =  .true.
    wf_collect         =  .true.
    nstep              =  5000
    ibrav              =   -12
    A                  =   11.301600
    B                  =   5.613600
    C                  =   15.885000
    cosAC              =   -0.000366588948
    nat                =   80
    ntyp               =   5
    nbnd               =   351
    ecutwfc            =   50
    occupations        =   'smearing'
    degauss            =   2.D-3
    nspin              =   2
    starting_magnetization(2)    =0.5
    starting_magnetization(3)    =-0.5
    lda_plus_u         =   .true.
    hubbard_U(2)       =   4
    hubbard_U(3)       =   4
    electron_maxstep   =   500
    startingwfc        =   'random'
    diagonalization    =   'david'
    mixing_mode        =   'plain'
    mixing_beta        =   2.D-1
    mixing_ndim        =   8
    conv_thr           =   1.0D-8
    bfgs_ndim          =   4
    upscale            =   25
    pot_extrapolation  =   'second_order'
    wfc_extrapolation  =   'second_order'
    cell_dynamics      =   'bfgs'
    press_conv_thr     =   5.D-1
    Sr    87.62   Sr.upf
    Fe1   55.847  Fe.semi.upf
    Fe2   55.847  Fe.semi.upf
    W     183.85  W.fhi.UPF
    O     15.999  O.upf

Sr           0.499500   0.012900   0.124550
Sr           0.500500   0.987100   0.875450
Sr           0.750500   0.512900   0.125450
Sr           0.749500   0.487100   0.374550
Sr           0.499500   0.012900   0.624550
Sr           0.500500   0.987100   0.375450
Sr           0.750500   0.512900   0.625450
Sr           0.749500   0.487100   0.874550
Sr           0.999500   0.012900   0.124550
Sr           0.000500   0.987100   0.875450
Sr           0.250500   0.512900   0.125450
Sr           0.249500   0.487100   0.374550
Sr           0.250500   0.512900   0.625450
Sr           0.249500   0.487100   0.874550
Fe1           0.250000  -0.000000   0.250000
Fe1           0.750000  -0.000000   0.750000
Fe2           0.000000   0.500000   0.000000
Fe2           0.500000   0.500000   0.500000
Fe2           0.250000  -0.000000   0.750000
Fe2           0.750000  -0.000000   0.250000
Fe1          -0.000000   0.500000   0.500000
Fe1           0.500000   0.500000   0.000000
W            0.250000   0.000000   0.000000
W            0.750000   0.000000   0.000000
W           -0.000000   0.500000   0.250000
W            0.500000   0.500000   0.250000
W            0.250000  -0.000000   0.500000
W            0.750000  -0.000000   0.500000
W            0.000000   0.500000   0.750000
W            0.500000   0.500000   0.750000
O            0.023650   0.496000   0.129500
O            0.976350   0.504000   0.870500
O            0.226350   0.996000   0.120500
O            0.273650   0.004000   0.379500
O            0.023650   0.496000   0.629500
O            0.976350   0.504000   0.370500
O            0.226350   0.996000   0.620500
O            0.273650   0.004000   0.879500
O            0.523650   0.496000   0.129500
O            0.476350   0.504000   0.870500
O            0.726350   0.996000   0.120500
O            0.773650   0.004000   0.379500
O            0.523650   0.496000   0.629500
O            0.476350   0.504000   0.370500
O            0.726350   0.996000   0.620500
O            0.773650   0.004000   0.879500
O            0.359500   0.261000   0.012500
O            0.640500   0.739000   0.987500
O            0.890500   0.761000   0.237500
O            0.609500   0.239000   0.262500
O            0.359500   0.261000   0.512500
O            0.640500   0.739000   0.487500
O            0.890500   0.761000   0.737500
O            0.609500   0.239000   0.762500
O            0.859500   0.261000   0.012500
O            0.140500   0.739000   0.987500
O            0.390500   0.761000   0.237500
O            0.109500   0.239000   0.262500
O            0.859500   0.261000   0.512500
O            0.140500   0.739000   0.487500
O            0.390500   0.761000   0.737500
O            0.109500   0.239000   0.762500
O            0.121000   0.224000   0.488000
O            0.879000   0.776000   0.512000
O            0.129000   0.724000   0.762000
O            0.371000   0.276000   0.738000
O            0.121000   0.224000   0.988000
O            0.879000   0.776000   0.012000
O            0.129000   0.724000   0.262000
O            0.371000   0.276000   0.238000
O            0.621000   0.224000   0.488000
O            0.379000   0.776000   0.512000
O            0.629000   0.724000   0.762000
O            0.871000   0.276000   0.738000
O            0.621000   0.224000   0.988000
O            0.379000   0.776000   0.012000
O            0.629000   0.724000   0.262000
O            0.871000   0.276000   0.238000

K_POINTS (automatic)
2 4 1 1 1 1

I checked quantum espresso example files 25 and in README it says one needs
to set starting_ns_eigenvalues sometimes. I'm not sure whether it's the
case here but I'm gonna try. Still I don't quite understand the eigenvalues
and eigenvectors in write_ns routine. Are eigenvalues the energy of each of
the five d orbitals? The what are the eigenvectors?

That all said, if someone has experienced problems like this or knows why
convergence is so slow here, please let me know.


Lai Jiang
Department of Chemistry
School of Arts and Sciences
University of Pennsylvania
231 South 34th Street, Box 46
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Tel: 215-573-4241
Fax: 215-573-2112
Email: jianglai at sas.upenn.edu
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