[Pw_forum] Phonons of molecular crystal

Guntram Schmidt guntram.schmidt at chemie.uni-halle.de
Thu Sep 1 12:23:24 CEST 2011

Dear All,

I want to simulate the infrared spectrum of a molecular crystal.
As the phonon calculations usually take weeks to finish, I'd like to 
ask, wether someone of you has propositions on proper treshold values?

I'm using rpb-paw US pseudopotential (revised PBE, as suggested for 
vdW-potential) and gamma point (also said to be sufficient for molecular 

Does the ecutrho of the preceding SCF calculation influence the speed of 
the phonon calculation?

What is a sufficient low value for the tr2_ph to get a reasonable 
(comparable to experimental values) spectrum?

Thanks a lot,

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