[Pw_forum] Tunneling density of states using pwcond

Jonathan Trinastic jptrinastic at phys.ufl.edu
Sat Apr 14 14:56:40 CEST 2012

Hi all,

I'm performing pwcond calculations on a magnetic tunnel junction 
structure, and I'm interested in creating a figure that shows the change 
in the tunneling density of states as a function of the monolayer of the 
barrier for each different orbital (delta1, delta2, etc). In this way, I 
can show the the different decay rates of each.  I understand how to 
find the tunneling density of states using projwfc.x on the sfc 
structure using the command tdosboxes, but my understanding is that this 
is done on the sfc structure and would not give the tunneling results.  
I'm wondering if there is a way to extract information from the pwcond 
output to show these tunneling states?  I'm not able to find any 
relevant choices in the help menu.

Thanks for your help,

Jonathan Trinastic, M.S.
Graduate Student
Department of Physics
University of Florida

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