[Pw_forum] phonon frenquecies convergences

hichem bouderba hicpalm at gmail.com
Mon Jan 9 11:11:46 CET 2012

Dear all,

1) It is a question about convergence study of phonon frequencies.
Suppose that one performs a convergence study for just one q-point  (say
Gamma for example),
is it reasonable to expect that results will be reliable for other q-points

this is a comment about the input card "dos" in the matdyn.f90 file:

 !     dos       if .true. calculate phonon Density of States (DOS)
 !               using tetrahedra and a uniform q-point grid (see below)
 !               NB: may not work properly in noncubic materials

Does the last line mean :
(a) Do not use it with non cubic symmetries.
(b) One may use it, but results should be carrefuly checked for eventual
problems. In this case, wath kind of problems one may expect.

thank you for comments and suggestions.

Hichem Bouderba
département de physique
Université de Batna
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