[Pw_forum] q not allowed when using q2r.x to calculate a2F

Peng Tao ptao10b at imr.ac.cn
Mon Jul 9 03:09:05 CEST 2012

Dear all,

I happened to meet a problem during the e-ph constant calculation. 
When I apply the q2r.x, the calculation of ordinary phonon force constant 
matrix seems OK, but the following step of a2F calculation shows an error
as follows:

   q-space grid ok, #points =  100
   fft-check warning: sum of imaginary terms = .1593535E-07

   Preparing gamma for a2F
      from init : error #         1
      q not allowed

What reason causes this error? Any advice I would be very grateful. 

Best regards,
Plato Tao

PH.D. candidate Peng Tao
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Division
National Laboratory for Material Science
Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Phone  +86-024-83978751

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