[Pw_forum] "espresso-4.3.2-GPU.tar.gz" and "espresso-5.0-GPU.tar.gz" available on QE-FORGE

Filippo Spiga spiga.filippo at gmail.com
Wed Jul 11 08:00:30 CEST 2012

Dear QE users,

the GPU implementation is going forward but recently we have been working to close some gaps in the current release before push in other new things. We improved the support to GNU compilers, new PGI 12.x and CRAY systems. We (try to) improved the documentation (see README.GPU) and we disabled all the experimental features not properly tested.

Now you can find  two packages available for download QE-FORGE[1]:
- espresso-4.3.2-GPU.tar.gz (GPU-accelerated PWscf and NEB, both compatible with the CPU-only Quantum ESPRESSO 4.3.2)
- espresso-5.0-GPU.tar.gz (GPU-accelerated PWscf and NEB, both compatible with CPU-only Quantum ESPRESSO 5.0)

My suggestion is to switch and start using Quantum ESPRESSO 5.0  (-:

I want to sponsor the fact that a specific mailing-list exists for the GPU-accelerated version: q-e-gpgpu at qe-forge.org 
For any issue, error, bug, problem, advice… write directly there! 

There is also a Facebook page[2] and a Linkedin[3] group related to QE. Everybody is welcome!


[1] http://qe-forge.org/frs/shownotes.php?release_id=119
[2] https://www.facebook.com/QuantumESPRESSO
[3] http://www.linkedin.com/company/2148003?trk=tyah

Mr. Filippo SPIGA (穗安駒), HPC and GPU Technologist <spiga.filippo_at_gmail.com>
website: http://filippospiga.me  ~  skype: filippo.spiga

«Nobody will drive us out of Cantor's paradise.» ~ David Hilbert

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