Dear PWSCF users,<br>
I have two questions about atomic projected DOS. In
the subroutine projwfc.f90 there is a comment: "PDOS_m(E) = projected
DOS on atomic wfc with component m". Is this "m" the quantum number of
z-component of angular moment L? If it is, this 'm' is labeled from 1
to 2*L-1 instead of the standard '"-L, -L+1...L-1, L". Is there a
one-to-one correspondence?<br>
Furthermore, what is the difference bwtween if
"lsym" is set to .true. and .false.? I found that the coefficients in
the output files are completely different? What does it really mean by
'symmetrize projection'?<br>
Thank you very much.<br>