# environment_variables -- settings for running ESPRESSO examples ######## YOU MUST EDIT THIS FILE TO MATCH YOUR CONFIGURATION ######## # BIN_DIR = path of compiled executables # Usually this is $TOPDIR/bin, where $TOPDIR is the root of the # ESPRESSO source tree. # PSEUDO_DIR = path of pseudopotentials required by the examples # If you have downloaded the full ESPRESSO distribution, they # should be already in $TOPDIR/pseudo; otherwise you may download # them from www.pwscf.org/pseudo.htm # TMP_DIR = temporary directory to be used by the examples # Make sure that it exists, is writable by you, and doesn't # contain any valuable data (everything there will be destroyed!). #Let's set some of the directories automatically assuming the usual #espresso tree, and that the examples are in examples/exampleNN PREFIX=`cd ../.. ; pwd` BIN_DIR=$PREFIX/bin PSEUDO_DIR=$PREFIX/pseudo TMP_DIR=$HOME/tmp # To run the ESPRESSO programs on a parallel machine, you may have to # add the appropriate commands (poe, mpirun, mpprun...) and/or options # (specifying number of processors, pools...) before and after the # executable's name. That depends on how your machine is configured. # For example on an IBM SP4: # # poe pw.x -procs 4 < file.in > file.out # ^^^ PARA_PREFIX ^^^^^^^^ PARA_POSTFIX # # To run on a single processor, you can usually leave them empty. #PARA_PREFIX="mpirun -np 2" PARA_PREFIX="poe" # max. 8 tasks en 5 min interactively op huygens PARA_POSTFIX="-procs 1 -npool 1"