[xcrysden] XSF & DataGrid problem

Tone Kokalj xcrysden@democritos.it
Fri, 17 Jun 2005 23:51:52 +0200 (CEST)

Hello everybody!

This message might be relevant to all xcrysden v-1.4 users:

Recently I received several emails about the XSF & Data-Grid problem, namely:
the "Tools->Data Grid" menu is disabled in v-1.4 even when XSF file
contains the Data Grid (applies to periodic structures only).

This is a know bug, and exists only in version 1.4 (due to a recent
upgrade of XSF reading routine).

I apologise for the inconvinience, however, the problem is fixed in
v-1.4.1 that is availeble on the xcrysden web page.

Regards, Tone