[xcrysden] xcrysden on windows 7 (Cygwin)

Nikita Vakula vakula.chem at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 12:50:00 CET 2012

Dear all,

I'm new to xcrysden. And I have a question about installation of xcrysden
on windows 7/cygwin. After installation of it on windows I tried to launch
it but had an error:

*Application initialization failed: no display name and no $DISPLAY
environment variable*
*Error in startup script: no display name and no $DISPLAY environment
*    while executing*
*"load /usr/lib/tk8.5/../../bin/libtk8.5.dll Tk"*
*    ("package ifneeded Tk 8.5.11" script)*
*    invoked from within*
*"load $system(TOPDIR)/bin/xcrys.dll"*
*    invoked from within*
*"if { [file exists $system(TOPDIR)/bin/xcrys.dll] } {*
*    load $system(TOPDIR)/bin/xcrys.dll*
*    (file "/home/Nikita/XCrySDen-1.5.18-bin-shared/Tcl/xcInit.tcl" line

Could you please tell me what to do in order to make it works?

Thank you in advance,

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