[xcrysden] Question about Fermi surface velocity shading

Sean Muir muirs at onid.orst.edu
Wed Mar 7 05:50:40 CET 2012

Hello XCrySDen users,

  I am interested in learning how to generate a Fermi surface image which
is shaded by electron/hole velocity at the Fermi energy.

Can anyone within the XCrySDen community explain to me how this is done, as
in what programs are used?

I currently am using use Wien2K for calculations.

It is my understanding that XCrySDen is unable to do this currently, thus I
am wondering what other programs people might use, or better yet, is there
actually a way to do this in XCrySDen that I have yet to encounter?

Any insights or pointers to a previous thread discussing this matter would
be appreciated.


Sean Muir
Oregon State University

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