[xcrysden] wien2k fermi surface

Yundi Quan quanyundi at gmail.com
Sat Mar 31 05:13:17 CEST 2012

Dear Sir/Madam,
Support for WIEN2k Fermi surface calculation in Xcrysden is a good feature.
But the documentation for Fermi surface calculation is somewhat limited.
What are the purposes of "Generate k-mesh", "change to unit 5 in case.in1".
"Edit TiO2.in1 file(optional". In the wien2k calculation, I already have a
kmesh. Does "Generate k mesh" mean that the kmesh used in Fermi surface
calculation can be different from the kmesh used in WIEN2k scf calculation?

If I use "generate k-mesh" and "change to unit 5 in case.in1", I will
always get an error message saying that "

 'FERMI' - number of k-points inconsistent when reading kgen
 'FERMI' - check IN1 and KGEN files!

If I do not use "generate k-mesh" or "change to unit 5 in case.in1", then I
do not get any error messages.

Any help is much appreciated.

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