[xcrysden] Installation Guidance

Matic Poberžnik matic.poberznik at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 16:33:16 CEST 2016

Dear Prasanta,

Unfortunately there are no simple video tutorials, but the installation
should be straightforward nonetheless. Make sure that you download the
latest xcrysden package for cygwin (i.e.
) <http://www.xcrysden.org/download/xcrysden-1.5.60-cygwin.tar.gz>

Copy it to your cygwin directory (cygdrive), and unpack it in a directory
of your choice.

To unpack it in the current working directory ($PWD) use the command:

tar -xvf xcrysden-1.5.60-cygwin.tar.gz

This should create a new directory in your $PWD named
xcrysden-1.5.60-bin-shared (i.e. $PWD/xcrysden-1.5.60-bin-shared).
In this directory you will find the file README.cygwin and in it a list of
packages xcrysden depends upon. You need to install these packages as well,
the best way to do so is by using the apt-cyg package. How to install it
with cygwin is described here:


With this package manager you can install the other packages easily with
the command:

apt-cyg install package-name package-name2 ...

The packages listed should be enough for xcrysden to work, be careful
though, you need to start the xserver before it works, this is done with
the command:


This by default starts the xterm app, from which you can then run xcrysden,
go to your $PWD/xcrysden-1.5.60-bin-shared/ using cd and start xcrysden
from there with the command:



This is the minimum required for xcrysden to run; however I suggest the

Add the unpack directory to the $PATH variable, which enables you to run
xcrysden from any directory using just the command


This is done by adding a line to your .bashrc file (found in your home
directory). Open it with your favorite text editor (i.e. pluma .bashrc),
and add a line:

export PATH=$PWD/xcrysden-1.5.60-bin-shared/:$PATH

and save the file. (Note: instead of $PWD use the full path name)
Source the changes with:

source .bashrc

and you should be able to run xcrysden from any directory (within cygwin).

To get a more linux-like usage you can install a desktop environment as
well, for example the mate desktop environment:


The startx command then starts the desktop environment, and by opening a
terminal of your choice you can then start xcrysden in the same way as
before, only it will now open in a virtual desktop that is your cygwin
window. I hope this helps, if anything is unclear or doesn't work please
let me know.

Best Regards,


Matic Poberznik
J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia


2016-09-17 12:33 GMT+02:00 Tone Kokalj <tone.kokalj at ijs.si>:

> On Thu, 2016-09-15 at 16:10 +0530, Prasanta Bandyopadhyay wrote:
> > Respected members,
> > I am all new to the Xcrysden. Want to use it in windows PC with
> > cygwin, but I can install it.
> Do you instead mean that you "cannot" install it?
> Best regards, Tone
> --
> J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
> (tel: +386-1-477-3523 // fax: +386-1-251-9385)
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