[xcrysden] lighting on issue on windows WSL

Andrea Floris an.floris at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 13:29:05 CEST 2022

Dear all,
I am using xcrysden on WSL running Ubuntu 20.04.4 on Windows 11 Home.
I am able to run the code and customize the atom's colors, background etc.
However when I open  a quantum espresso input/output or xyz file,
I always need to manually select the Display/Lighting off, in order to see
the atoms. Basically it seems that leaving the default Lighting on,
prevents seeing the atoms. Is there a workaround this, I wonder how I can
solve the problem.
Many thanks in advance
Kind Regards

 Dr Andrea Floris
 Senior Lecturer
 School of Chemistry
 University of Lincoln
 Brayford Pool, LN6 7TS Lincoln, UK
 Web:     staff.lincoln.ac.uk/afloris
 Phone:  +44 (0) 1522 83 5884
 Room: JBL Building, JBL2W06
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