[Pw_forum] error reading fildvscf

Antonio Sanna asanna at did.dsf.unica.it
Wed Sep 15 13:17:09 CEST 2004

I'm trying to calculate electron-phonon coupling, but after saved the
dynamical matrix and the first order variation of the potentials (no
errors received), when I lanch the electron-phonon calculation (elph =
.true.) in some cases I obtain this error message: 

1525-001 The READ statement on the file -------- cannot be completed
because the end of the file was reached.  The program will stop.

(where ------- is the name and address of the fildvscf.)

I finded this problem on many q points (mainly with low symmetry) and
different materias. 

Someone knows what I'm doing wrong?

 Thanks Antonio

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