[Pw_forum] ./pwgui: line 55: 15360 Segmentation fault

Mahmoud Payami mpayami at aeoi.org.ir
Wed Sep 15 15:31:02 CEST 2004

Dear Tone,

Thank you very much for your suggestion. Now it works with "ActiveTcl".
Best regards,

> This is due to broken Tcl/Tk-package, and then Iwidgets don't work.
> Solution: try to replace the call to "wish" in file pwgui to
> "itkwish". If that doesn't help, install the ActiveTcl, which is works
> well: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Tcl
> Alternatively: use the binary linux-x86 package instead of source
> package.
> Regards, Tone
> -- 
> +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Anton Kokalj                                 Email: Tone.Kokalj at ijs.si |
> | Department of Physical and Organic Chemistry Phone: x 386 1 477 3523   |
> | Jozef Stefan Institute                         Fax: x 386 1 477 3811   |
> | Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana                                           |
> | SLOVENIA                                                               |
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