[Pw_forum] Hand's on Workshop annoucement: nanoexcite2010

marsamos at democritos.it marsamos at democritos.it
Mon Jul 26 17:29:43 CEST 2010

   SISSA and CNR-IOM-DEMOCRITOS are organizing a Hand's on Workshop on 
electronic excitations, nanoexcite2010. During the workshop advanced 
concepts of Time Dependent Density Functional Theory, GW and 
Bethe-Salpeter Equation will be introduced. Short theoretical lectures 
will be followed by extensive hands-on classes. Participants will have 
the opportunity of testing on realistic systems the theoretical tools 
by using several public codes and their respective dedicated tutorials. 
The codes that will be used are

    * PWscf
    * Yambo
    * Sax
    * Real-Time TDDFT
    * TDFTPT
    * GWL

   Participants are expected to have a strong background in Density 
Functional Theory and long experience with Quantum ESPRESSO. The 
Workshop will be held at SISSA (Trieste, Italy) from October 18th to 
22th. For further information and subscription please see 



Dr. L. Martin-Samos
tel. +39 040 3787 429
International School for Advanced Studies (ISAS-SISSA)
via Beirut 2-4
34151 Trieste Italy

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