[Pw_forum] EXX error

marsamos at democritos.it marsamos at democritos.it
Mon Jul 26 19:14:21 CEST 2010

Dear Amene, did the job generate some .out file? if yes can you send it?



Quoting Amene Nouri <a.nourmohammadi at yahoo.com>:

> Thank you professor Stefano Baroni.
> I want to use HSE functional. I have followed instructions in EXX-example.
> make clean
> add -DEXX to DFLAGS
> make pw
> but when I run EXX-example I encounter error # 19.
> What does it mean? 
> Do you think the error is coneccted to the compilation?
> What is my mistake?
> any suggestion will be appreciated.

Dr. L. Martin-Samos
tel. +39 040 3787 429
International School for Advanced Studies (ISAS-SISSA)
via Beirut 2-4
34151 Trieste Italy

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