[xcrysden] Progblem installing xcrysden under cygwin

Matic Poberznik matic.poberznik at gmail.com
Thu May 11 11:53:36 CEST 2017

Dear Fabian,

> I tried to install the version supplied in 
> "xcrysden-1.5.60-cygwin.tar.gz" under cygwin. I understand that 
> additional packages are necessary to run the software.

Yes, the additional required packages are listed in README.cygwin. I
think the easiest way to install them is with the apt-cyg utility:


after installing this utility you can install any other package with the

apt-cyg install package-name

where package-name is the name of the package. For example tcl-tk
version 8.5 is required and you can then install it by typing:

apt-cyg install tcl-tk-8.5.11-1

You can search for package names on this site:


> I have Xming installed and running.

As I understand it, the Xming utility is not part of cygwin, but is used
to emulate x-server for Windows. All the required packages must be
installed within the cygwin environment so for x-server you must install
the cygwin equivalent, e.g. xorg-server-1.19.3-2

You then start the x environment by typing:


Additional configuration (after you install all the packages) shouldn't
be required, you can run xcrysden simply by typing in the cygwin
terminal from the xcrysden extracted directory (where README.cygwin is


If you add this directory to the $PATH variable in cygwin you can then
run it from any other directory as well.

Hope this helps,

Best Regards,

Matic Poberznik
Matic Poberznik
J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

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