[xcrysden] Issues running XCrySDen for the first time (package require BWidget)

Enrique Lugo g7_lugo18 at ens.cnyn.unam.mx
Tue Oct 6 05:58:42 CEST 2020

Hi All,

I am a new user and am having difficulty running XCrySDen for the first time.

I'm using the pre-compiled Cygwin version 1.6.2. I believe I've
installed all of the required packaged through the

Cygwin installer. Here is what I see after I start an Xterm and send
the ./xcrysden command within the parent,

unpackaged tar.gz directory

$ ./xcrysden
./xcrysden: line 65: cd: too many arguments

|*                                                               *|
|*  XCrySDen -- (X-Window) CRYstalline Structures and DENsities  *|
|*               =         ===         =              ===        *|
|*                                                               *|
|*    Anton Kokalj (tone.kokalj at ijs.si)                          *|
|*    Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia                *|
|*                                                               *|
|*    Copyright (c) 1996--2014 by Anton Kokalj                   *|
|*                                                               *|

  Version: 1.6.2

  Please report bugs to: tone.kokalj at ijs.si

  XCRYSDEN is released under the GNU General Public License.

  Whenever graphics generated by XCRYSDEN are used in scientific
  publications, it shall be greatly appreciated to include an explicit
  reference. The preferred form is the following:

  [ref] A. Kokalj, J. Mol. Graph. Model., Vol. 17, pp. 176-179, 1999.
        Code available from http://www.xcrysden.org/.

XCRYSDEN_TOPDIR=/cygdrive/c/Users/ENRIQUE LUGO/Documents/Materias
(UNAM)/7mo Semestre/Simulaciones

Error in startup script: can't find package BWidget
    while executing
"package require BWidget"
    (file "/cygdrive/c/Users/ENRIQUE LUGO/Documents/Materias
(UNAM)/7mo Semestre/Simulaciones
Computacionales/xcrysden-1.6.2-bin-shared/Tcl/xcInit.tcl" line 460)

I checked in my usr folder that I have a folder called bwidget-1.9.13

Here's the evidence


Thanks in advance for any ideas.

Enrique  Lugo Martínez

Ungerdraduate Student

Nanotechnology | UNAM-CNyN
g7_lugo18 at ens.cnyn.unam.mx
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